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Plants and animals

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Aristotle subdivided his two groups of animals based on their blood. He classified animals as either having blood (vertebrates) or not having blood (invertebrates).

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Q: How did Aristotle subdivied his two groups?
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What two groups did Aristotle divide animals into?

Aristotle divided animals into two groups: those with red blood (vertebrates) and those without red blood (invertebrates).

What were the two main groups used by Aristotle and Linnaeus?

Aristotle used a classification system based on blood (blooded and bloodless), while Linnaeus used a system based on the number and arrangement of reproductive organs (sexual and asexual).

How did Aristotle classify organisms?

Aristotle classified living organisms by dividing them into two groups; those with red blood and those without. brug

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Aristotle is the scientist who organized animals into groups according to how they moved.

How many groups did Aristotle divide living things into?

Aristotle divided the animals into five groups. (MR.FAB)M ammalsR eptilesF ishA mphibiansB irds

How did Aristotle subdivide his two groups?

Aristotle subdivided living organisms into two main groups: plants and animals. Plants were further subdivided based on whether they had flowers (flowering plants) or not (non-flowering plants). Animals were classified based on characteristics like blood circulation, habitat, and reproductive methods.

What were the names of the groups in Aristotle's classification system?

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Aristotle contributed to the science of taxonomy when he classified animals in 2 groups and plants in how many groups?

Aristotle classified animals into two groups based on their red blood and bloodless characteristics. He also classified plants into three groups based on their size and complexity: trees, shrubs, and herbs.

What three groups did Aristotle put animals in?

Aristotle classified animals into three main groups based on their method of reproduction: viviparous (bearing live young), oviparous (laying eggs), and ovoviviparous (producing eggs that hatch internally).

How many groups did the philosopher systemes of classification have?

The philosopher Aristotle's system of classification had two main groups: animals and plants. He further divided these into smaller categories based on shared characteristics and traits.