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The scientific name for the dingo is canis lupus dingo. It was recently changed from its previous name, canis familiaris.

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9mo ago

The scientific name for a dingo is Canis lupus dingo. Dingoes are a type of wild dog found in Australia.

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10y ago

The scientific name for the Australian dingo is Canis lupus dingo. Dingo's are free-ranging predator dogs that are a subspecies of the grey wolf.

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What is another scientific name for a dingo?

Canis lupus dingo.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the mammal Dingo?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Canis lupus (formerly Canis dingo).

What is the dingoe scientific name?

Canis lupus dingo.

What is the similarity between red fox and grey fox?

The only relationship between the red fox and the dingo is the fact that they are both canid species. However, the dingo is in the dog family, with a scientific name of "canis lupus dingo", while the fox is not, with its scientific name of "vulpes vulpes".

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What is the birth name of Ernie Dingo?

Ernie Dingo's birth name is Ernest Ashley Dingo.

What is the name of a baby dingo?

The proper name for a baby dingo is "pup".

What is the name of Ernie Dingo's mother?

Bessie Dingo

What is a male dingo called?

There is not a specific name for a male dingo. A dingo is called a dingo no matter if they are male or female.

What is the common name for a dingo?

Dingo is the common name for an Australian free roaming wild dog

What sort of animal is a canine?

a dog, wolf, dingo,anything of that sort.A canine is the scientific name for a dog. Not a specific dog but this name goes for all breeds of dogs, wild or not.

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