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I think its because you don't have to pay them wages/sallaries, you just buy them once at a really expensive rate and then they work 24 hrs non-stop. They save alot of labour and work much faster and accurately. Humans can only work for a certain amount of time and they get tired and need breaks, Robots don't!

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Manufacturing Industry is place where human perform their task or job by using machineries to produce large amount of products or finished Good.

How much does a Six Sigma green belt cost?

The "sixsigmaonline" company offers Green Belt training for $395, which includes all relevant literature. This is a considerable saving and the Black Belt can even be obtained here for around $1000.

What are cooling towers for?

What is the Purpose of a Cooling Tower?A Cooling Tower is used with industrial applications that produce waste heat as a byproduct of their operations. These applications may include air-conditioning, manufacturing, and power generation. Cooling Towers provide an energy efficient and environmentally-friendly means of rejecting that waste heat, saving our natural bodies of water from receiving vast quantities of warm water that would threaten marine life and ecology. They work instead to dissipate evaporated water into the atmosphere, allowing wind and air circulation to diffuse the heat.sahidhudheenempower district coolinguae

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ISO 50001 Certification – EnMS by URS India indicates the organization’s adherence to Energy Saving initiatives and manage Energy intense Aspects and offers Value Addition Auditing Services in EnMS Auditing. URS offers ISO 50001 Certification in all cities, India. ISO 50001 EnMS Standard is applicable to all types of organizations irrespective of size, nature, or geography such as Hospital, Health Care, Construction and Buildings, Shopping Malls, Commercial Building, Manufacturing, Service Companies, Software Companies, Medical Device in India.