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Q: Why did the invention of the spinning Jenny and weaving machinery increase the number of workers in the textile industry in Europe?
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The invention of spinning and weaving machinery increased the number of workers in the textile industry in Europe because?

the demand for goods increased as goods became cheaper to produce

Which was an invention made specifically for the texture industry?

spinning jenny

What was an invention made specificall for the textile industry?

the spinning jenny

What inventions led to the mechanization of the cotton industry after 1750?

It was the invention of the cotton gin that resulted in the mechanization of the cotton industry after 1750. It was invented by Eli Whitney. Another invention was the cotton spinning machine.

What invention allowed many threads to be spun?

The spinning wheel is an invention that allowed many threads to be spun efficiently by hand. It revolutionized the textile industry by increasing the speed and capacity of thread production compared to traditional spinning methods.

What is Invention that speed up the process of spinning yarn and thread is what?

The invention that sped up the process of spinning yarn and thread is the spinning jenny, which was developed by James Hargreaves in 1764. This machine allowed one operator to spin multiple spindles of yarn simultaneously, greatly increasing productivity in the textile industry.

What was the invention made specifically for the textile industry?

There were several inventions made for the textile industry.The Spinning Jenny, invented in 1760 by James Hargreaves, improved thread production.The Water Frame was the first powered spinning machine, invented in 1764.The Spinning Mule, a combination of the principals of the Spinning Jenny and the Water Frame, was invented by Samuel Crompton. It provided tougher and finer cotton thread.The Carding Machine and the Carding Engine were also invented for the textile industry which demanded more cardings after the invention of the Spinning Jenny.

What invention was made for specifically textile industry?

There were several inventions made for the textile industry.The Spinning Jenny, invented in 1760 by James Hargreaves, improved thread production.The Water Frame was the first powered spinning machine, invented in 1764.The Spinning Mule, a combination of the principals of the Spinning Jenny and the Water Frame, was invented by Samuel Crompton. It provided tougher and finer cotton thread.The Carding Machine and the Carding Engine were also invented for the textile industry which demanded more cardings after the invention of the Spinning Jenny.

Which was in invention made specifically for the textile industry?

Flying shuttle and the water mule were the new machines that were invented during the textile industry.

James hargreaves invention?

James Hargreaves was involved with the invention of a carding machine which prepared fiber for spinning, and then he invented the Spinning Jenny used for simultaneously spinning the fiber into multiple spools of thread.

What is the invention that sped up the process of spinning yarn and thread?

the spinning frame

What are the 3 inventions made for the textile industry?

The Spinning Jenny, invented in 1760 by James Hargreaves, improved thread production.The Water Frame was the first powered spinning machine, invented in 1764.The Spinning Mule, a combination of the principals of the Spinning Jenny and the Water Frame, was invented by Samuel Crompton. It provided tougher and finer cotton thread.The Carding Machine and the Carding Engine were also invented for the textile industry which demanded more cardings after the invention of the Spinning Jenny.