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Decreased travel times

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Q: What was an effect of the Industrial Revolutionn?
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Was the fall of Communism an effect of the Industrial Revolution?

The fall of Communism was not a effect of the Industrial Revolution, it was an effect of the Cold War.

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effect of the industrial revolution on other countries

What is the most significant effect in the Industrial Revolution?

The increase in transportation was the most significant effect of the Industrial Revolution.

What was the most significant effect of industrial revolution?

The most significant effect in the Industrial Revolution was the increase in transportation.

What is a sentence for industrial revoluion?

The industrial revolution changed the world overnight.An unfortunate side effect of the industrial revolution was the rise of capitalism.

What was an effect of the industrial revoloution?

Decreased travel times

What effect did the Industrial Revolution have on industry?

new inventions

Who was effect by the industrial Revolution how?

The Industrial Revolution dramatically changed every aspect of human life and lifestyles.

What was the effect on the industrial revolution on Britain's coal supply?

The Effect Of The Industrial Revolution On Britain's Coal Supply Was Trade expansion was enabled by the introduction of canals, improved roads and railways.

What was the effect of the Industrial Revolution on Britain's coal supply?

The Effect Of The Industrial Revolution On Britain's Coal Supply Was Trade expansion was enabled by the introduction of canals, improved roads and railways.

What was a effect of the Industrial Revoultion?

An effect of the industrial revolution was increased production and increased child labor. (Oh, wait, that's two. Oh well. Take your pick. =D

How did the industrial revolution effect the cotton production?

your mommas pussey