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The steel industry.

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Q: What industry did the Bessemer process change?
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What methods of making steel changed the steel industry?

the bessemer process and the open-heart process(:

Where was the bessemer steel process invented?

The bessemer process was invented by Sir Henry Bessemer.

What did Henry Bessemer do for the steel industry?

Henry Bessemer developed a way to make steel by melting and burning pig iron. Pig iron is the result of mining and refining iron ore. Before steel, he worked with glass, but his glass making process was not practical.

What two methods of making steel changed the steel industry?

The Open Hearth Furnace and the Bessemer Process <- thanks veeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy mmmmmmuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Industry affected when Andrew Carnegie brought the bessemer process to us?

It affected the steel and railroad industry. Iron was the main foundation of railroads and when the Bessemer process created massed produced amounts of steel, the railroad industry greatly increased to. The carbon in the iron in the older railroads made the foundation of those railroads brittle and not as sturdy as steel, the steel became an asset to railroad creation. The Bessemer process burns off the carbon in the iron, thus creating steel. This process made steel cheaper, and the people of the steel industry were positively affected because the people in the railroad industry wanted the steel for better rails. The railroad industry was positively affected because now it was safer and stronger. They can earn more money because there are less accidents and can ship more at one time.

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The steel industry owed much to the inventive genius of?

Henry Bessemer - Bessemer process

What role did the bessemer process have on the steel industry?

The Bessemer process decreased the money and labor needed to make steel.

The Bessemer Process is a method related to what industry?


What methods of making steel changed the steel industry?

the bessemer process and the open-heart process(:

Which industry expanded as a result of the invention of the bessemer process?


What industry expanded because of the invention of the Bessemer process?

The iron and steel industry. Heavy engineering in general.

Because of the bessemer process the steel industry was able to?

increase steel production

Who invented the bessemer process?

The bessemer process was invented by Sir Henry Bessemer.

What effect did bessemer process have on American industry?

It made production of steel alot faster and easier

What innovations did the Bessemer process encourage?

The steel industry benefited from the development of the Bessemer process. It was the steel industryâ??s first low cost process for mass production prior to the open hearth furnace. Named after inventor, Henry Bessemer who patented the industrial process. it had been used outside Europe for hundreds of years, just not on an industrial basis.

What two new processes helped turn steel making into a profitable industry?

The bessemer process and the open-heart process

Where was the bessemer steel process invented?

The bessemer process was invented by Sir Henry Bessemer.