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Q: What are the problems faced by the workers working in the silk industries?
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What are the problems faced during SAP MM configuration?

nothing..implementing SAP MM is just like a piece of cake.

What are the major problems that are being faced by pipe industries?

Despite the enthusiasm, however, the conditions at each isolated cottage industry are harsh: productivity and income are low, information and technical know how are poor and they lack capital often producing at best only simple products. The main challenge for the handloom sector is therefore, how to break out of the low level equilibrium trap and realize its potential of becoming competitive and play a major role in the development process of the country.

What are the problems being faced by cottage industries?

One of the greatest problems that the cottage industries face is that of finances and non-availability of raw materials. The major financial institutions i.e. Banks, Life Insurance and General Insurance can help the villagers. The loan meals didn't serve the purpose. Compact bodies backed by these institutions should be formed at village level. Village artisans should also be included in these bodies. A planned effort should be made according to the needs and availability of skills in the region. Bureaucratic delays should be minimized and entrepreneurship should be inspired. A great headway was made in this direction by Gujarat Financial Corporation. But the efforts were limited to big urban areas only. Such corporations should honestly penetrate the rural areas. The problem of marketing is another great handicap in the development of this sector. It is closely associated with the lack of talent and technical knowhow resulting in the manufacture of sub-standard goods. Government and voluntary organizations of technicians and engineers can do a lot in this direction. Training camps can be organized according to the needs of the region. An eye should be kept on the quality of goods. Small units can be opened as ancillary industries and assemblage centers. Brass industry of Moradabad, lock industry of Aligarh, match and fireworks industry of Sivakashi, diamond shaping industry of Gujarat and precious stone manufacturing of Jaipur are working on these lines. In the absence of a voluntary or government organization to manage all the aspects of these industries vested interests have been generated. The poor artisan remains in the background.

What is the problem faced by paper industry?

no problem

How do you use the word industrialization in a sentence?

The word "industry" can be used in a general or a specific sense. It refers to the organized production of goods. Sample sentence, general: American industry is making increased use of computers to control production.* Sample sentence, specific: The chemical industry produces millions of tons of toxic waste each week. *The general sentence was copied from Princeton University's WordNet search, which includes definitions and sample sentences.

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why dont u people answer it urself

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a shortage of workers

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the mountains were difficult to cross

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Workers at Carnegie Steel faced issues such as low wages, long working hours, poor working conditions, and lack of representation. During the Homestead Strike, tensions escalated when the company cut wages, leading to a violent confrontation between workers and Pinkerton guards hired by the company.

Describe 2 problems immigrants faced miners and railroad workers?

Immigrant miners and railroad workers faced discrimination to the point of danger. They also faced unfair wage practices where employers refused to pay them after they earned the money.

Describe two problems that immigrants faced as miners or railroad workers?

they had to face snowstorms and avalanches killed workers and slowed progress

What issues for immigrant workers does sinclair reveal in the jungle?

Sinclair reveals the poor working conditions, low wages, exploitation, and lack of job security faced by immigrant workers in industries such as meatpacking and factories. She also highlights the discrimination and abuse experienced by these workers, as well as the challenges they face in accessing healthcare, education, and legal support.