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Codification in materials management is better known as the identification of materials. These are separated into different groups such as metals and fabrics.

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Q: What are Types of codification in materials management?
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Types of jobs available in hazardous waste management can include driving tankers with disposable materials. Or in a managerial role, a person could be the manager of the trucks or the plant.


Different materials consume different amounts of energy to process, while poor management of materials or improper management of recycled materials can lead to increased energy consumption in production.

What is right price in materials management?

The right price in materials management means the best value for materials that a company intends to buy. This means that the purchase of the materials will fit the allocated budget.

Why is purchasing such an important part of materials management?

The cost of the raw materials determines the final Selling price. Hence, the purchasing is an important part of materials management.

What is the relationship between management functions and management skills?

To be skilled in materials management on would be analytial and proactive. Not everyone posses these skills that are critical to being successful in materials management functions. These are just two of the skills required. To be successful in materials management one should have the skill set that matches performanace requirements. Some one who is easily bored would not be successful in Materials, much of the work in Materials Management is repetative with attention to detail required.