There is no stock symbol for Cargill, Inc. Cargill is a privately held company, not a publicly traded one. The company was founded in 1865 and remains a family owned business.
what is the stock symbol for Kiewit
The ticker symbol for PPG Industries Incorporated is PPG and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
The ticker symbol for Illinois Tool Works Incorporated is ITW and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
The ticker symbol for Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited is IR and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
Iscar Manufacturing is a subsidiary of its parent company, International Metalworking Companies B.V. IMC is in turn Berkshire Hathaway. Neither iscar or IMC have their own stock symbol, but Berkshire Hathaway is identified by BRK/A and BRK/B.
Truvia is a brand of Cargill and not traded publically.
Cargill is a privately-held company and as such has no publicly-traded stock.
There is no ticker symbol, Cargill is a private company.
Cargill is a privately held company, it has no public shares. Therefore, it can't rocket.
You become an executive there and they allow you to participate in stock plans.
You can learn what cargil is from the following sources: Cargill, Wikipedia, Cargill AG, Amarillo, Cargill Meat Solutions, Cargill Foods, Cargill Global Scholar, Cargill Chev.
The stock symbol was LIL.
Walmart has stock symbol of WMT.
The stock symbol for Ford is F.
GmbH is the Glock stock symbol.
There is NO stock symbol. Emigrant is privately owned, not publicly traded, thus no stock symbol.
Not a public traded company. No stock symbol