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seven ten-thousandths ??

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Q: How do you say 0007 of an inch in machinist terms?
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What are the Best technique for overhead and vertical up welding?

The best technique for both is a "whip" or "step" motion. This is where, say we are doing a vertical weld, we would strike the rod at the bottom and proceed to move up going about a half inch up and then a quarter inch back, half inch up and quarter inch back. Keep doing this until you've either finished your weld or your stick is no longer usable. Same with the overhead, using a "step" technique gives you more control. The only thing you will need to do is practice, practice, practice.

Explain 345 method of triangulation?

if you have a base line of say 10FT then all you have to do is go to your stop point and count back say 3FT then go back to you stop point and go up 4FT then all you have to do is make your 5FT mark from the 3FT to the 4FT and then you should have a right angle...

A service engineer suffered a fatal electric shock when he touched a metal sink an investigation revealed that an electrician had connected a live conductor to an earth terminal. regulations broken?

I don't know the regulations, but I would say that if it was on purpose, then yes, if not, then it was just a simple mistake. If he were to be charged with the victims death, I would say murder if he intentionally connected them, and manslaughter if it was an accident/mistake.

What is the crudest form of metal used in industry?

If by crudest you mean most common I would have to say Iron. Carbon is another option but that isn't a metal.

Difference between master captain and skipper?

a master captin is in charge and commands bat a skipper just looks at the deck and say no or yes lol dum to

Related questions

How do you say 0025 in machinist terms?

To a machinist twenty-five ten-thousandths or two and a half thousands are both acceptable answers. It all really depends on what the common tolerance of the shop is. In a shop that maintains tolerances in the thousandths of an inch (.001) their jargon usually reflects that. .0015 is one and a half, .002 is two, .0007 is seven-tenths. In a shop that holds tight tolerances in the ten-thousandths of an inch range they would see .0012 as twelve-thousandths of an inch. Machinists are bad about jargon. When confronted about my choice of referencing tolerances I usually use this as an example. is $2,000 two thousand dollars or twenty-hundred? They are the exact same but twenty hundred sounds funny, it's not technically incorrect but a less common way to refer to the same thing!

How do you say machinist in Spanish?

Carpintero (the profession Carpenter) The name Carpenter is not translated.

How do you enter cheats in Zelda legend of the ocarnia?

You may use an emulator and if you go to file it should say enter cheats, and to get you started, here are the cheats for god mode, they might be expired though, but I don't think so cause they work for me. 811DAA80 3C46 811DAA84 3C46 811DAA88 3C46 801DAB6C EEEE 8111A600 0140 D011A609 0008 8011A60A 0001 8011A60C 0001 8011A603 0060 8111B99C 0001 8011A65F 0009 8011A678 0007 8011A679 0007 8011A67A 0007 8011A67B 0007 8011A67C 0007 8011A67D 0007 8011A67E 0007 8011A67F 0007 8011A680 0007 8011A681 0007 8011A664 0009 8011A65E 0009 8111A66C 7777 8111A674 30FF 8111A676 FFFF 8011A648 0004 8011A64E 000C 8011A654 0012 8011A64C 0009 8011A646 0002 8011A645 0001 8011A65D 0009 8011A662 0009 8011A65C 0009 8011A650 000E 8011A644 0000 8011A647 0003 8011A64A 0006 8011A64D 000B 8011A651 000F 8011A649 0005 8011A64F 000D 8011A655 0013 8011A653 0011 8011A64B 0007 8011A64B 0008 8011A671 0001 8011B9A1 0032 8011B9A5 00B4 8011A69F 0014 8111A5FE 0140 8011A6A1 0064 8138E03A 009F 8011A672 0067 80115DCE 0000 80115DDF 0016 80115DD0 0000 80115DDF 0016 80115DD2 0000 80115DD3 0000 80115DD4 0000 D01C84B5 0020 811DAA90 40CB D01C84B4 0080 801DB258 0042

How do you say 0.25 inch?

.25 inch would be a quarter of an inch (1/4 of an inch).

What is nearest of half inch?

I would say that 1/2 inch is nearest.

How do you say inch in German?


How many mileometersin a inch?

If you mean to say "How many millimeters in an inch?" (Millimeters, not mileometers) then the answer would be 1 inch is 25.4 millimeters.

How do you say inich in Irish?

inich? inch?

What is the name for inch worm in Spanish?

The right way to say inch worm in Spanish is, oruga

Do you say terms and conditions or term and conditions?

Terms and Conditions is correct.

How many centimers in one inch?

The conversion relations between inch and cm are given .By following: we can say that: 1 inch =2.54 cm.

How many inch are in cm?

By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that 1 cm=0.39370079 inch