Henry Bessemer
Read your America AHON book please.
The word "industry" can be used in a general or a specific sense. It refers to the organized production of goods. Sample sentence, general: American industry is making increased use of computers to control production.* Sample sentence, specific: The chemical industry produces millions of tons of toxic waste each week. *The general sentence was copied from Princeton University's WordNet search, which includes definitions and sample sentences. http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=industry
Wasted motion is eliminated
Several new inventions helped business make cloth and clothing more quickly
It helped pave the way for American industry to expand into the West.
Explain how conflicts and rivalries among European nations both helped and hindered the American struggle for independence?
Steel and oil
. . . the corruption of the American meatpacking industry .
During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party supported American industry and the North by implementing protectionist policies, such as tariffs, to help domestic businesses thrive and grow. Lincoln also issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which helped weaken the Southern economy by freeing slaves who were a crucial labor force for Southern industry.
The Centuriate Assembly, the Tribal Assembly, the Plebeian Assembly.
The textile industry.
The communication between peoples of the industry was helped by the telephone because people could communicate ideas and plans and progress easily without other troubling means of communication.
New farming techniques on the eve of the Industrial Revolution helped industry and farming in Europe. Crop husbandry helped as well.
It was Henry Bessemer who helped make steel a major industry in the United States.