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With a plunger.

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Q: Your sink is stopped up you have a garbage disposal how do you un stop it?
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How can you fix a dishwasher that has garbage disposal water in it?

Make sure the drain hose has a loop tall as the dishwasher under the sink. This will stop the water from going back in the dishwasher.

How do you stop a garbage disposal from backing up?

run cold water thru it for a minuint after you are done with it, cold water should be running while you use it also,

What is the future perfect of stop?

The future perfect of stop in English is "will have stopped." I will have stopped you will have stopped he/she/it will have stopped we will have stopped you will have stopped they will have stopped

What does halte mean?

to stop or be stopped.

What is the present perfect of stop?

The present perfect of "stop" is "has/have stopped."

Past and past participle of stop?

The past tense of "stop" is "stopped" and the past participle is also "stopped."

Which is correct he stopped by or he stop by?

The correct phrase is "he stopped by." "Stopped" is the past tense form of the verb stop.

What is the past perfect of stop?

The past perfect of "stop" is "had stopped."

What is the past tense verb of the word stop?

Stopped is the past tense for the verb "stop"

What is the pastperfect tence for stop?

The past perfect tense for "stop" is "had stopped."

Why does a bathroom sink drain get stopped up?

Most times a bath / lavatory sink will stop water flow because of hair that accumulates in the trap of the drain ,The trap is the upside"S"underneath the sink ...Try using liquid plumber foaming pipe snake that you can buy at your favorite grocery store.

What is the past tense of the word stop?

Stopped is the past tense for the verb "stop"