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Because flying is very safe and very regulated. Bicycling is done by anyone, on bikes of any quality, in a fairly random environment.

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Q: Why more people are killed in bicycle accidents than in commercial airline crashes?
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Related questions

How many comerceral plane crashes per year has there been?

commercial airline crashes per year

Where could one check the statistics for bicycle crashes?

One could visit the website Bikes Belong to find statistics for bicycle crashes/accidents. One may also find statistics on the Bike Safety page on Wikipedia.

Is it true that more people die in highway rail crashes than in commercial airline crashes?

Yes, air travel is extremely safe.

How many commercial airline black boxes have not been found after crashes?

four, the ones from the 911 planes.... ... .. .

Is it true that there are more deaths from train collions than airline crashes?

Overall, there are more deaths from car accidents than both train collisions and airline crashes. However, when comparing train collisions and airline crashes specifically, there are typically more deaths from airline crashes due to the larger passenger capacity and higher speeds involved.

What are the more common causes of airline crashes?

The common cause of airline crashes are airplane engine failure and human error. Most pilots commit errors that can cause airline crashes and disrupt the airplane engine.

Top speed of a commercial plane?

The fastest ever commercial airplane was Concorde. It flew at speeds of more than Mach 2. It retired from service due to crashes and accidents.

How many airline crashes were there in 2012?

According to Wikipedia there were 12 plane crashes/airline crashes in 2012. This is way better than the previous 25 of the year before, which was 2011.

Are most bicycle crashes fatal?

About 75% of bicycle crashes are fatal. The 15% just have minor injuries. And the other 10% have major injuries.

Which flight confirmed that the crashes were not accidents?


Are airplane crashes rare?

Large commercial aircraft crashes are very rare, making this transport the safest way to travel in the world. Small private airplanes crash much more often, so these accidents would not be rare.

Where can a list of airline crashes be found online?

One could find a list of airline crashes online on various websites. The most informative websites are 'Airdisaster' and of course 'Wikipedia'. Airdisaster is updated daily with new crashes.