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There are two reasons for water shortage, one due to wastage, and two over population and not enough pipes.

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Q: Why is there a Shortage of water in your community?
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What is the importance and benefits of watershed?

it is important because watershed acts as a reservoir. for as people if there is a possibility that in our community there will be a water shortage.

What are the causes of water shortage in the world?

Some causes of water shortage in the world include overpopulation, climate change leading to droughts, pollution of water sources, inefficient water management practices, and over-extraction of groundwater. These factors can lead to limited access to clean water for drinking, agriculture, and industry, contributing to water scarcity issues globally.

Shortage of water causes the stomata to?

close in order to conserve water and prevent excessive transpiration. This helps the plant retain as much water as possible during dry conditions.

A water shortage goes on for several years Is referred to as a water what?

A long-term water shortage is a drought.

What is A water shortage that goes on for several years is referred to as a water?

A long-term water shortage is a drought.

A water shortage that goes on for several years is referred to as a water what?

A long-term water shortage is a drought.

What is A water shortage that goes on for several years is referred to?

A water shortage that goes on for several years is referred to as a water crisis.

When a shortage occur?

A water shortage occurs when there is to little water or too great a demand in an area- or both.

When does a shortage occur?

A water shortage occurs when there is to little water or too great a demand in an area- or both.

Which water shortage that goes on for several year is referred to as a water?

A long-term water shortage is a drought.

Why do the leaves change color?

leaves change their colour when there is a shortage of water in them and when the quantity of chlorophyll is decreased by shortage of water.

Growing population is responsible for water shortage why?

Growing population is responsible for water shortage because because all the people is using water in the world so slowly-slowly water is going to end. That is why growing population is responsible for water shortage.