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We need to prevent pollution for a LOT of important reasons.For one,when we drive cars they give off carbon minoxide(in an enclosed space),carbon dioxide,nitrogen(which is VERY flammable),and other dangerous gases.These gases go up into our air and atmosphere and what happens?We breathe them in.

Secondly,All those gases going up into the atmosphere are messing with our atmosphere and making global warming happen which makes the temperatures get hotter.The increased temps will make the icebergs melt,making our oceans overflow and taking thousands of animals' homes who live in places like Antarctica.

There's a hole in the ozone layer caused by all these gases. They are still making the hole bigger,very very slowly but surely.This will let harmful UV rays through(Basically radiation-it's rays from the sun) and those can give us cancer and other deadly things as such.

See,this is why it is SO IMPORTANT to stop pollution.

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Because pollution prevent is less costlier than control since control also medical bills for the affected people

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