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The same intensity of noise may be present both day and night, but at night people are generally trying to sleep and the noise interferes with this activity. Most noise control by-laws specify lower acceptable dB levels during normal sleeping hours, latest times for particularly noisy activities, and specific "not before" times for the start-up of noisy activities.

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Q: Why is noise pollution worse on a night?
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Is noise pollution worse at night?

No, in the sense that there is not usually more of it at night. Most noise pollution comes during the day. When people are awake, they are driving or listening to music, or landscaping, or building, and making noise. At night, most people are sleeping. There are less cars out and less people are participating in activites that make a lot of noise pollution. Yes, in the sense that it is more irritating and noticeable. At night, there is usually less nosie pollution. So even small amounts seem louder or wrse than they would during the day when they can easily mix in with other sounds. They can also be more noticeable and agitating at night when people are trying to go to sleep or wind down.

What are Forms of pollution?

Air pollution, water pollution, ground pollution, light pollution (interferes with observing the sky at night; is caused by unshielded artificial lights), and noise pollution.

What do you mean by noise polllution?

noise pollution is a noise which afect the pollution

Where is noise pollution?

Noise pollution refers to a plethora of noise, to the point that it becomes overwhelming and unpleasant. This often occurs in big cities, like New York and London, where the town is active at all times of the day or night, and there is always traffic.

What are the noise pollutants?

Environmental pollution caused by too much noise is called noise pollution.

Where is noise pollution experienced?

Noise pollution refers to a plethora of noise, to the point that it becomes overwhelming and unpleasant. This often occurs in big cities, like New York and London, where the town is active at all times of the day or night, and there is always traffic.

What are the problems faced by people staying near a railway station?

-noise -danger -air pollution

What are the objectives of noise pollution?

There aren't many aims or objectives for noise pollution. Many aims are against noise pollution because it is physically harmful to the human body.

What is water and noise pollution?

Water pollution: is the contamination of water with pollutants. Noise pollution: a noise above the permitted limit in a given environment.

Why is noise pollution improtant?

noise pollution is important because noise effects animals and people by stress

Does water create noise pollution?

yes water create noise pollution

Why do people think noise is noise pollution?

Noise pollution is noise that is so excessive that it disturbs the balance of human or animal life.