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Q: Why is being individual important?
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What is based on the idea that the community is more important than the individual is?

Collectivism is the belief or practice that places the community or group as a whole as more important than any individual within that group. This ideology prioritizes the well-being of the community over individual desires or needs.

How important is religion to Chinese people?

Being as how every one person thinks differently, it depends on the individual in question.

Why are arias important in opera?

Because they focus on the individual 'point of view' within the overall story being told.

What is important and importance?

health is a state of physical, mental and social well being of an individual and not merely absence of a disease or infirmity.

Why it is important to observe that an individual has taken the medication?

It is important because the individual can dispose of the medication

Is observation important or unimportant to being a good teacher?

Individual student have their area of strength and weakness, with observation you will be able to map out strategy

How important are individual rights japan?

In a Japanese culture individual rights isn't as important as your responsibilty to a group

What is a important belief?

important belief is up to the individual

Why is it important to include the individual in all aspects of their care?

Including the individual in all aspects of their care is important because it promotes their autonomy, self-determination, and sense of control over their own well-being. It also helps healthcare providers understand the individual's preferences, values, and goals, which leads to more patient-centered and effective care.

Why is discovery important?

discovery is important because without making new discoveries the daily life of a human being would be very difficult.

During wartime is the well being of the country more important than individual rights.?

At the time of the cold war (Vietnam) National Security was a priority.

What does individual as a human being mean?

Being an individual as a human being can mean a lot of things. Most people want to be unique individuals.