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This is a gyroscope action showing the laws of Hamilton's Vectors IJ=K. Consider the wheel as pointing in the -I direction, when you turn to the wheel around J , the vector action turns around K (parallel to the ground) which causes you to lean. into the turn. Bikers use that action to just lean around K and thsi will turn you around J. just as if you turne d the wheel, -IK = J.

This a manifestation of Quaternion Mathematics.

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Q: Why does your body lean when you are riding on a bike and you turn around a curve?
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Why the muscle is important for riding a bike?

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Does your height grow if you ride excercising bike?

no it does not matter if you keeping riding your bike you will not get taller your body will make it

What is the energy transformation when riding a bike?

When riding a bike, the chemical energy stored in your body from food is converted into kinetic energy as you pedal the bike and move forward. This kinetic energy is then used to overcome frictional forces and propel the bike forward.

Can chemical energy transform into mechanical energy after riding a bike?

Yes, chemical energy stored in the body from food can be used to generate mechanical energy while riding a bike. This energy helps muscles contract, enabling movement and propulsion of the bike.

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What muscles are used when riding a bike or scooter?

Mainly lower body muscles - legs, feet etc. But the upper body does get some use.

Inertia and riding bikes?

When riding a bike, inertia helps to keep the bike moving forward and stabilize it as you pedal. Inertia is the tendency of an object in motion to stay in motion, so when you pedal, your body and the bike have inertia that keeps you moving forward. Turning or stopping the bike requires the application of additional forces to overcome this inertia.

How is ridiing your bike imilar to energy in the sun?

How is riding your bike similar to energy in the sun? Energy from the sun makes the grass grow like the chemicals in your body to transform the material into fuel that is used to move a bike.

When your riding a bike how does energy move from your body to the wheels?

the energy transferred from out (levers) or legs to the pedals makes the gears of the bike spin a chain connected to the tiers there for making it spin.

Is riding a bike good for you or swimming?

They're both good but in different ways. Swimming will usually provide more upper body workout, but bike riding will allow you to run errands, maybe commute to school/work while exercising. It's probably also easier to have access to a bike and somewhere to ride than to go to a pool.

I am 5'6 and 130 every body is telling me to get a 85cc dirt bike i no how to clutch to what should i get?

if you want a 2 stroke get a yz125 or cr125 for track riding if you want a 4 stroke get a yz250f or cr250f. If you are just doing trail riding i would recommend the xr200 its a great starter bike.

What energy transformations are in riding a bicycle?

When riding a bicycle, chemical energy from your body is converted into mechanical energy to pedal the bike. This mechanical energy is then transformed into kinetic energy as the bike moves forward. Additionally, some energy is lost to friction and air resistance, dissipating as heat energy.