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If you have a bicycle you can "paddle", please tell us more. I've been trying to combine my bicycling with canoeing for years.

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Q: Why does a bicycle begin to slow down when the rider stops paddling?
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What is the force that can stop a bicycle when the rider applies the brakes?

Friction is the force that stops the bike.

A bicycle rider is traveling up a hill. When the rider reaches the top of the hill, she stops to rest.then she travels down the hill. Which one describes it?

When the rider is at the top of the hill, her potential energy is the greatest, and her kinetic energy is the least.

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we will be out out of coil wire

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yes it does

Is a back brake on a mountain bike the one that stops you the most?

Actually, no. It's more difficult for the back brake to stop a bicycle as the bicycle is pulling away from the rear wheel. The front brake stops a bicycle more efficiently because the weight of the bike is pushing forward into the front wheel. But it's important not to rely on only a front brake. The front brake can stop the bike so well that the weight of the bike can shift up and over the front axle creating what is often referred to as an "endo" and will toss the rider over the handlebars.

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its the bit on the end of your wheel that stops mud getting on you

Does soil formation stop when trees begin to grow?

no, it never stops.

When the scooter hits a rock the rider tends to fly forward because?

because it stops at a high rate of speed forcing the rider to fly forward

Does a rider fall forward when his horse stops suddenly?

True ... it's called inertia.

How does friction help the breaks in a bicycle work?

Because friction stops momentum of force from moving the bike

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i figured it out... it slows the sled down and if the line is long enough.. stops it:)

Which force is responsible when a bicycle comes to a sudden stop?

Unless it stops on account of having run into something - friction.