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Because the skateboarder is going fast, and the board stops, the guy keeps going fast at the same speed and flies off.

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Q: Why do you fly forward when hitting a curb while riding a skateboard or bike?
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How do you do a hard flip on a skateboard?

while your riding on your skateboard put your feet in kickflip stance (regualar stance) pop your board up shoot your right foot forward while your left foot slightly flicking it it should go between your legs and catch it and that should help goofy stance is opposite footing

Can you get a DUI on a skateboard?

Possibly. While you dont drive a bicycle, people can get DUIs for riding a bicycle while drunk. It doesn't sound like a stretch then that people can get a DUI on a skateboard in some states.

What are the forces act on a skateboard?

The main forces acting on a skateboard are gravitational force pulling it downward, normal force exerted by the ground upward, frictional force opposing its motion, and air resistance when moving. Additionally, the skater applies a force to propel the skateboard forward and can use their body to maneuver and balance it.

How do forward controls work on a Harley Davidson?

The purpose of forward controls is so the rider can have their feet in a more forwardÊposition while riding. The levers for the forward control are attached to the stock pegs.

How does a canoe move forward with the aid of paddles?

Imagine you are sitting on a skateboard and you want it to move across a gym floor. You put your hand on the floor and use it to push the board forward. A paddle stuck into the water, when pushed, stays in the same general spot while the canoe is shoved forward.

What are two ways friction can be be harmful while riding a bicycle?

In the bearings and in the tires. All it does there is turn into heat - and we can't use that for going forward.

When you push a skateboard on a flat surface why does it stop after a while?

Several reasons. The main reason being the friction created by the gravitation force acting on the board and pushing the wheels to the ground. Also the air resistance as the board is moving forward. Thirdly, the surface in which the skateboard is riding on would need to be perfectly smooth, theoretically on air, to create no resistance. And finally the rotation of the wheels against the bearings creates friction which even though they are greased to reduce the friction can not completely eliminate this factor.

How much does it hurt when hitting the water while riding a jetski going 35 mph?

take you're bottom lip and stretch it over you're head. it's about equivalent.

Will tensor skateboard trucks break while grinding?

No, and neither will any brand name truck. Worst case scenario you might break your kingpin but that's an easy fix (unless you are riding Grind Kinds)

Is a skateboard slowing down while going up a ramp a balanced or unbalanced force?

A skateboard slowing down while going up a ramp is due to unbalanced forces. The force of gravity pulling the skateboard downward is greater than the force propelling it forward, causing it to slow down.

Can you ajust your stirrups while riding?

It is not recommended to adjust your stirrups while riding, as it can be unsafe for both you and your horse. It's best to adjust your stirrups before mounting or while the horse is standing still. If you need to adjust your stirrups while riding, it's safer to dismount in a safe location and make the necessary adjustments.

Has anyone died while doing a trick on a skateboard?

Yes, and if you have a skateboard be careful not to use any tricks that you've wanted, and like those other people died on a skateboard, and it's really hard and dangerous to use a trick in a skateboard. Please do not use a skateboard trick.