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Probably because their poor or they have a mental problem where they think it's actually a home or something

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Q: Why do people live in rubbish dumps?
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Are you allowed to take furniture from rubbish dumps?

You may have to check. Where I live theres a rule against scavenging.

Is rubbish dumps bad?

No, they save the planet from invasion so don't recycle !!!!!!!!!

Why do people live in dumps?

People may live in dumps due to poverty, lack of affordable housing options, or inability to access resources such as social services or mental health support. Additionally, some individuals may engage with scavenging activities in dumps as a form of survival or income generation.

Where do rats live in the city?

Garbage dumps, sewers and anywhere they can find shelter away from the eyes of people and other predators.

Is brass biodegradable?

No, brass is a metal that will stay for thousands of years in landfills and rubbish dumps without breaking down.

What do peregrine Falcons do where they live?

take dumps on ravens

Is it good to live in England?

No it is rubbish

Where did people throw trash in Ur?

In ancient Ur, people would often throw their trash into designated areas outside the city walls called rubbish pits or dumps. These areas were located away from living quarters to prevent the spread of disease and to keep the city clean.

What people in slums do for a living?

Slums are often located at the outskirts of cities on unused land. Often, around these areas, rubbish is dumped from the cities. People who live in slums often scavenge through this rubbish to find materials to build their houses with, however many look for objects that can be sold in the rubbish dumps and they sell them (e.g shoes, scrap metal, electronics). Other jobs can include basic jobs like shoe-shining and singing. Many children/adults go to cities and beg to earn money. This type of work known as work in the informal sector and so is untaxed

Do you think that rubbish has been around for such a long time?

As long as there have been people to create rubbish, rubbish has existed.

What if your rubbish rubbish?

"What if your is rubbish?" Maybe that is your opinion, but many people ask and answer questions daily - worldwide!

Do rats live in dirty places?

Wild rats generally do- they are scavengers, and depend upon scrounging out waste for their food. This includes food waste, roadkill, carrion and even human faeces- for this reason, they tend to be drawn to sewers, rubbish dumps and areas where there is a lot of organic waste deposited.