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Boys may poke holes in soda cans as a form of experimentation or curiosity to see what happens when the can is punctured. This act may also be a way for them to release built-up pressure within the can, creating a small explosion or spray effect. Additionally, some boys may engage in this behavior as a form of risk-taking or to impress their peers with a display of bravado.

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You can get it from soda cans, juice cans, and energy drinks..anything the deals with CANS!

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Soda companies started putting expiration dates on soda cans in 1983 Soda companies started putting expiration dates on soda cans in 1983

What is a can made of?

Normally cans(soup cans, soda cans, etc.) are made of aluminum.

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Soda cans are made of 100% aluminium. What you weigh is what you get!

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0.375 Quartz in a soda can.

Are soda cans magnetic?

Most soda cans are not magnetic because they are made of aluminum, which is not a magnetic material. However, some soda cans are made with a layer of steel or other magnetic material, which allows them to stick to magnets.

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Are mini 7.5 oz soda cans returnable in NY?

Yes, the mini 7.5 oz soda cans are returnable in NY.

What does it take to kill the bacteria on top of top of soda cans?

Washing Soda Cans with kitchen dishwasher liquid or soap water or chlorinated water should help kill or washaway bacteria from Soda cans. - Neeraj Sharma

Do aluminium soda cans have titanium opening tabs?

No, aluminum soda cans typically have aluminum tabs for opening the can. Titanium is not commonly used for opening tabs on soda cans due to its higher cost and heavier weight compared to aluminum.

What mineral is used to make a soda can?

Aluminium is used for soda and beer cans.