

Why do Mormons ride bikes?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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14y ago

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Mormon missionaries, when they are serving on their mission, need something to get around in. Thus came the answer in the form of a bicycle. Bicycles are easy to get from one place to another and are frequently used because they are far less expensive than cars. Mormon missionaries aren't always on bikes though: they switch off, kinda like taking turns, with some driving one of the avaiable cars and the others on bikes.

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15y ago

You have us confused with Mormons. They are the ones that do their ministry riding from place to place. We use regular transport, like cars. Though some of us use bikes as recreation and sports.

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14y ago

Perhaps you are thinking of Mormon Missionaries. Most members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) drive cars or take public transportation. Missionaries often ride bikes or walk instead of drive. This is because missionaries have very limited funds, and biking and walking is MUCH cheaper than driving a car. Cars are provided for missionaries but are typically only taken when they need to go somewhere that is too far to bike to because the missionaries must pay for their own gas.

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