Because the so-called "safety bike", with chain drive and equally sized wheels was so much better in every aspect. It could be braked hard w/o toppling over, it was far easier to get on/off, it was lighter, smaller and easier to store. It could go faster.
Oh, there were several reasons:
There's a clue to be had in that what we now think of as a normal bike was originally called "the safety bicycle"
The penny farthing was quite scary to ride. Difficult to mount, braking could easily cause you to topple over. Not much speed.
The chain-driven "safety bike" won quite easily.
Easier to get on, better braking, better speed.
the pennyfarthing was said to be 64 inches high with a step to get on to it.
James Starley made the first pennyfarthing in 1880
Warriors are not, nor likely to be, obsolete.
Usually for a small time after they become obsolete.
8 track started to become obsolete in the early 1980's in the USA.
Not sure what bike you mean but is it Pennyfarthing.
Floppy Discs
Short answer: No. Long answer: Some forms of pencil will become obsolete, such as the #2 HB that has to be sharpened. People will just switch to #2 HB leads in mechanical pencils.
KKK became obsolete due to the, 1874 Alabama's Democratic Party that redeemed the state from Republican rule.
Keyboards may even become obsolete as voice activation equipment becomes more sophisticated.