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Solid Waste would be left in piles at a landfill site because solids aren't recyclable, so they therefore go to the land fill site like many other things.

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Emile Kessler

Lvl 10
2y ago
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3y ago

Solids are in landfill sites because the can not be recycled again that's why they are there

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Q: Why can solid waste be left in piles at landfill site?
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i think the solid waste which remains after the sieving of milk

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it goes to the landfill

What is the difference between a landfill and a compost?

A landfill is a site where waste is buried and left to decompose over time without oxygen, emitting harmful greenhouse gases. Compost is a mixture of organic waste that is decomposed aerobically into nutrient-rich soil conditioner that can be used to improve soil quality. Composting is a more sustainable waste management option compared to landfills.

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A picture of a mining site with waste piles or tailings left behind after mineral extraction can demonstrate mineral waste. Another picture could show discarded electronic devices or appliances that contain valuable minerals but are not recycled properly, leading to mineral wastage.

Where exactly is the landfill in decatur Texas?

From Wal Mart, take 51 south past the Posse Grounds and the Sheriff's storage yard. Landfill entrance is on the left.

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The process of dehydration within the digestive system removes water from liquid waste, turning it into semisolid waste as it travels through the colon. This allows the body to extract nutrients and form feces for elimination.

Why does the food became solid again in the large intestine?

That is where the body removes the fluid it needs to function properly. Therefor all that's left is the solid waste when it exits the rectum. In case your wondering if I am correct - I am an RN.

What does it mean if something is biodegradable?

If something is biodegradable, it means that it can be broken down by natural processes, such as bacteria and fungi, into simpler components that are harmless to the environment. This helps minimize waste and pollution.

What problems are associated with the use of solid waste as a source of energy?

Using solid waste as a source of energy can lead to air pollution from the release of harmful gases during combustion, such as carbon dioxide and dioxins. There is also a risk of toxic ash residue left behind after the process, which can pose environmental and health hazards if not properly managed. Additionally, there may be issues related to the collection and sorting of the solid waste materials for energy generation.

Where does the partly-digested food in liquid form go after it leaves the stomach?

small intestine

How can you reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfill or burning?

As part of the Waste Management Act passed in 1996, the government made into law that we should follow the European scheme of prevention, reduction, reuse and recycling of our waste. Anything left over is to be incinerated and then as the very, very last option, sent to landfill. 33% of household waste is made up of packaging, much of which arises in the kitchen. Paper, cardboard, metal and glass are easy to recycle however, plastics are difficult to deal with and take up nearly 12% of your bin. Each year approximately 704 thousand tonnes of packaging waste is created each year in the domestic and commercial sector. Only 17.4 % of this is recovered or recycled. The rest is sent to landfill. You can reduce the amount of packaging you buy, you can recycle cans, papers and plastics, and you can reuse paper, envelopes, boxes and cartons instead of buying new ones.

Why is the waste left at landfills to rot?

The waste are not recyclable.