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Q: Who are the mongooses natural enemies?
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What is a mongooses enemies?

well, mongoose's natural enemies are the snakes

Are mongooses and cobras natural enemies?

yes i dont know why but yes

Could a cobra eat a mongoose?

Yes Cobra's eat whatever they can find! Cobras and Mongooses are natural enemies but the Mongoose usually comes out the winner in a fight.

What are the enemys of the mongoose?

The enemies of mongooses are snakes. Mongooses don't like snakes and their reason and point of their life to kill and eat snakes.

How do mangooses protect themselves?

Mongooses protect them selves by dancing and dogging enemies.

What are king cobra enemies?

Eagles, mongoose and owls.

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When was Natural Enemies created?

Natural Enemies was created in 1979.

What Makes A Mongoose and A Cobras Enemies?

a mongoose eats a king cobra so the cobra is the mongoose's prey.

What is the duration of Natural Enemies?

The duration of Natural Enemies is 1.67 hours.

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