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They probably do it any where

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Q: Where do you train for gymnastics in Egypt?
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Where did Beth tweddle train for gymnastics?

Hartford school of gymnastics

Do they do gymnastics in Egypt?

probably they have it almost everywhere

Is men good at gymnastics?

It depens. anyone can be good at gymanastics. a human being is only good at gymnastics if they train and are skillfull at it. if a man doesn't train within the boundaries of gymnastics he will therefore not be good. if anyone doesnt not train at something they will not be good unless its a natural talent to them.

Does Shawn Johnson train at tags gymnastics?

Shawn trains at Chow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute in Iowa

Who came up with gymnastics?

It is thought that Ancient Greeks may have invented gymnastics in the 1500s. Traditionally, gymnasts would practice and train naked.

How long does it take to train for gymnastics?

anywhere from five years to one month

How did the Spartans train boys and girls so they could protect the city -state?

Some girls did military training, and boy and girls did boxing,Wrestling,footracing,gymnastics. They did train everyday.

What state did Shawn Johnson train for gymnastics in?

Shawn Johnson trained as one of Liang Chow's first students when he opened a gymnastics school in West Des Moines.

How long has Beth Tweddle been doing gymnastics?

Beth tweedle started gymnastics when she was 12

What do women do in gymnastics?

Women train hard to compete at meets. They do bars, beam, floor, and vault.

Why did the ANZACs train in Egypt?

Because that was the only place for them to train where they wouldn't get killed or injured.

How much money do you make in gymnastics?

Not even close as the major sports like basketball, football,soccer... Most of gymnasts work/train something else along with gymnastics