You could check at a local bike store. There are BMX bikes, mountain bikes, road bikes. The main differences are the types of tires, suspension, and brakes.
You can rent an Orange Mountain Bike in the UK online at Dale's Bike Center. They have a wide range of bikes for you to choose from. On their site they will tell you basically how much the different bikes cost.
Bike shops, pawn shops, classified ads.
Shimano 600 components were introduced in the 1970s, and Cannondale did not begin manufacturing bicycles until 1983. Therefore, Shimano 600 components could be found on Cannondale bicycles from any model year, and the presence of such components is not a viable way to determine a bicycle's age.
There is no such combination. Trials bikes are mountain bikes that one could construed as being "trick bikes" as trials require riders to "hop" around a complex obstacle course more than actually propelling the bicycle in a forward motion. I think he is refering "trick bike" to bmx? If so, the combination is a Dirt/street Mountain bike Check out some brands such as Dartmoor, NS, DMR, Black Market, Revell, Norco, Specialized 24seven, Identiti for info on there Dirt jump/street bikes (Dj)
From everything I could find Mountain West Bank appears to be a trusted bank. Several customer reviews have them between three and five stars out of a possible five.
uhhh yes bikes came out 1700s ish
One could purchase a dirt bike at just about any local motorcycle dealer. Cycle Trader magazine lists used dirt bikes with pictures. Dirt Rider magazine list only dirt bikes as well as some good consumer reviews.
The easiest way in order to find possibilities to purchase GT BMX bicycles would be to use the store locator functionality available on the official web site. This store locator can be found in the upper right corner on the homepage "GTbicycles". It is entitled "Find a Dealer".
You could find these reviews on places such as amazon which in addition to giving you products also has great reviews of them. You could also find these reviews on service websites of the specific service you are requesting.
Wherever they wanted, could, and were allowed to.
One could find street bikes at any kind of bike stores. Cyclesoft, and Motorcyclistonline are two of the best sites you could find on the internet. Check them out!