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Q: What type of essay would be used to write about the topic how to recycle household products?
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How do you recycle household products What type of essay would be used for this topic?

Expository essay

Can a topic for a research can be broader than the topic for a short essay?

yes the topic of the research can be broader then the topic of short essay

Can you get an essay on topic 'my hobby'?

essay no never!

What sentence of a topic paragraph should reinforce the essay topic?

The first sentence usually introduces the topic of the paragraph -- in this case, the essay topic as well. The concluding sentence of the topic paragraph is an excellent place to reinforce the essay's topic in the minds of readers.

Where to find a descriptive essay?

you have to have a topic to WRITE an essay

What is the thesis statement of an essay?

This is the main topic paragraph of the essay.

Which would be the weakest support for a topic sentence of an essay?

An opinion would be the weakest support for a topic sentence in an essay.

Essay in Hindi on topic your India free from drugs?

You can write an essay in Hindi on any topic such as India free from drugs. You can write the essay using a translator.

The topic of a research paper can be then the topic for a short essay?

do it yourself

Is the subject line and topic the same things on an essay?

No, the subject line and topic are not the same in an essay. The subject line, which is commonly used in emails, is a brief description of the email's content. The topic of an essay is the main idea or subject that the essay will discuss in depth.

What topic of a paragraph should reinforce the essays topic?

The first sentence usually introduces the topic of the paragraph -- in this case, the essay topic as well. The concluding sentence of the topic paragraph is an excellent place to reinforce the essay's topic in the minds of readers.

What do you have to do in a historical investigation essay that you dont have to do in a literary essay?

Research your topic ..