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Q: What reduces the workload of the heart by slowing the rate of the heartbeat?
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Reduces the workload of the heart by slowing the rate of the heartbeat?

A beta-blocker .They are commonly prescribed to lower blood pressure,relieve angina,or to treat heart failure.

What reduce the workload of the heart by slowing the rate of the heartbeat?

A beta-blocker

Does a snake havea heartbeat?

yes; if it has a heart, it has a heartbeat. Snakes have hearts.

What effects does marijuana have on the heart?

it destroys the heart by slowing it down

Which chamber of heart does heartbeat?


Can a tumor have a heartbeat?

A tumor does not have a heart.

How is a heartbeat formed?

A heartbeat is generated by specialized cells in the heart called pacemaker cells. These cells create electrical impulses that travel through the heart, causing the muscle cells to contract and pump blood. The coordinated action of these cells results in the rhythmic beating of the heart.

When the heart's workload increases what changes occur in the myocardial cells?

hypertrophy occurs.

What makes the sound of your heartbeat?

The heart valves.

When was My Heartbeat created?

Sunshine Heartbeat was created on 2004-10-03.

Can slowing your heart rate reduce pain?

no. Unless it's heart pain --a condition called angina pectoris which is caused by blocked arteries in the heart. Slowing the heart in that situation causes the heart to need less oxygen and have less frequent and severe angina. Beta blocker drugs do this. But slowing your heart won't help your back pain, kidney stone pain, etc.

Can heart to heart contact from a mother restart a childs heartbeat after an unspecified amount of dead time from the mother-child connection they have?

There is no scientific proof that direct heart to heart contact between Mother and child can restart a childs heartbeat.