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The use of smaller automobiles, the use of energy efficient appliances, recycling plastics, glass, aluminum and paper

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Q: What reduces the consumption of raw materials?
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Related questions

What are three advantages of recycling?

There are many advantages to recycling materials. Some main advantages are that it protects the environment, reduces energy consumption, and reduces pollution.

Why can matter be recycled?

Matter can be recycled because it can be transformed into new materials multiple times without losing its chemical properties. Recycling helps reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, conserves natural resources, and reduces energy consumption compared to producing new materials from raw resources.

How does recycling help reduce pollution?

Recycling reduces the demand for raw materials, which decreases the need for extracting, processing, and transporting new resources. This, in turn, reduces pollution from activities like mining, deforestation, and energy consumption. Additionally, recycling prevents waste from being incinerated or sent to landfills, which can release harmful pollutants into the air, soil, and water.

Why is it good idea to use much home produced raw material as possible?

Using home produced raw materials reduces dependency on external sources, ensures higher quality control over the products, and supports the local economy by boosting production and creating jobs. It also reduces transportation costs and carbon emissions associated with importing raw materials.

What is the antonym for raw materials?

Raw materials

Why you recycle glass?

Because the raw materials that make up glass will not last forever. Recycling old glass reduces the amount of new materials that need to be extracted - making them last longer.

What is example of a variable expense?

Any expense which is varying with levels of production is a variable expense. For example, with more production, expenses on raw materials will also increase. Consumption of raw material , thus , is a variable expense.

Why is it more important to recycle some materials than others?

Some materials, like plastic and paper, are more important to recycle because they take a long time to decompose in landfills, contributing to environmental pollution and resource depletion. Recycling these materials reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions compared to producing them from raw materials. Additionally, recycling materials like electronic waste and hazardous chemicals helps prevent toxic pollution and saves valuable resources.

What are raw materials of photosynthesis are?

the raw materials are water and carbon dioxide

How do you get consumption?

Raw material Consumption= Opening Stock + Purchases - Closing Stock

How can you describe raw materials?

Raw materials are materials that are used in the productions of goods and materials. They are the very basic materials and are feedstock for finished products.

What are the materials that are made in a chemical reaction in photosynthesis?

We call them raw materials. Raw materials are H2O and CO2.