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Mongoose lemurs face threats from predators, which include humans, the fossa, hawks, and boas. Like any wild animal, they must cope with food shortages and disease. Since they are arboreal and some live in areas with sheer limestone peaks and cliffs (known locally as tsingy), they also risk fatal falls. As an endangered species, it is forced to cope with continued habitat loss and forest fragmentation.

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Q: What perils have mongoose lemurs survived?
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What lives in Madagascar?

Lemurs giant mongoose giraffe necked beetle camelions aye ayes

What's in Madagascar?

Lemurs giant mongoose giraffe necked beetle camelions aye ayes

Are lemurs carnivore herbivore or omnivore?

they are carnivores because they eat insects During both the wet and the dry seasons, fruit appears to dominate the mongoose lemur diet. In the wet season, it is also known to feed on fresh flowers, particularly those from the kapok tree. In addition, the mongoose lemur is extremely fond of nectar.

What is the lemurs enemies?

Humans, fossa, crocodiles, some of the larger snake species, narrow-striped mongoose, owls and hawks.

Are lemurs and meerkats the same?

No, a meerkat is a burrowing member of the mongoose family in South Africa. A lemur is a primate with a long snout, large ears, and a long tail, found only in Madagascar and nearby islands. ----- Like meerkats, lemurs do not do insurance.

What wildlife can be found in madagascer?

Madagascar is truly a unique place when it comes to wildlife. An isolated island that is about the size of the state of Arizona, the island is home to lemurs, frogs, chameleons, mongoose and bats.

What are predators of the black lemur?

Humans are the most significant predator of lemurs. Another important predator is the fossa. Boas, eagles, hawks, and owls can also eat lemurs, depending on the species. Introduced predators include dogs, cats, and the Indian civet. There was once a giant fossa and giant eagles on Madagascar, but they went extinct after humans arrived on the island 2000 years ago.

What is the most common species of lemurs?

carbenson lemurs ,darshion lemurs,and kowltenson lemurs .I have 8 of them

What are some hobbies in Madagascar?

Madagascar has lemurs. It also has fassa which is a type of mongoose that is only found in Madagascar. Almost all plants and animals on Madagascar can not be found anywhere else in the world.

What is the collective noun for lemurs?

A group or family of lemurs are called a troop of lemurs.

What are madagascan lemurs?

Lemurs are primates.

What is a perils?

Perils are types of losses. All losses(perils) covered by an insurance company will be in your insurance booklet that they mail to you.