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Q: What might cause a bicycle to work inefficiently?
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How does the invention of a bicycle work?

a bicycle for transportation

Do bicycle helmets really work?

Yes, it is scientifically shown that bicycle helmets do work. They help to absorb the impact from a crash and protect your skull and brain.

What type of work requires protective clothing to be worn?

Protective clothing should be work for any type of work wherea hazardous agent might contact the skin and cause a burn or penetrate ita physical agent like ultra violet light or radiation could cause damagea knife or sharp edge might cause a cutfriction could cause a burnan object might strike the person and cause injury

What part of a bicycle makes the bicycle go?

The pedals, crank, chain, sprockets, and wheels. Along with the rider, they all work together to make the bicycle go.

Is an iPad better or a bicycle?

Basically, anything that enhances a skill or ability of a person is the "better." In this case, though, you might want to think of your priorities or your needs. If you really need an iPad for your work or for any work-reloated thing, then it is better. If, however, it is only for your entertainment on your spare time, I would suggest that a bicycle is better. Use it to keep yourself fit and healthy. You might even find new friends with your bicycle and not just your online buddies. If you'd want to dispose of your iPad, you can sell it on, eBay, Amazon or Craigslist.

Can high blood pressure cause fatigue?

i think it causes different things stress over work no sleep might cause it blood pressure might cause it not taking care of your self might be a high mark

What is the pronoun for Steve?

I don’t know

What simple machine make the hand brake work on a bicycle?

Bicycle brakes are usually levers

What can cause the headlights not to work?

There are several things that can make your headlights not work. First the might have blown a fuse, or maybe the bulbs burned out, or the battery might have died.

How do bicycle wheels work?

when you pedal, they go round?!?

What does a bicycle use to work?

The muscle strenght of the rider.

Who did James Starley work for?

James Starley did not work for any specific company. He was an English inventor and industrialist known for his pioneering work in the development of the bicycle, particularly the development of the penny-farthing bicycle. Starley founded his own bicycle manufacturing company, Starley & Sutton Co., in Coventry, England in the 1870s.