

Best Answer

The solution to land pollution is the three Rs. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

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Q: What is the solution of land pollution?
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Solutions for stopping the land pollution?

well one solution to stop land pollution is by recciclng.

What meaning of land pollution?

land pollution is where the land is polluted.

What is the importance of land pollution?

the impotants of land pollution

How do stop land pollution?

you can stop land pollution by recycling.

Can land animals have pollution?

land animals can have pollution YES

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how is solution in pollution

What are the pollutants of land pollution?

Land pollution is pollution of the Earth's natural land surface by industrial, commercial, domestic and agricultural activities.

What pollution is the meaning of land pollution?

soil pollution

What affects land pollution?

land pollution can provide harm to our environment.

What is fertiliser pollution?

Land pollution

What can you get from land pollution?

Land pollution can cause fires and other horrible things.