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Q: What is the meaning of player control?
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What is the meaning of controls?

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control meaning that the thing is in control or not changeable.

Meaning of a control?

to be the leader or to charge

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What is the meaning of player control foul in basketball?

>A player control foul is what uninformed people call a charge. In reality, a charge is similar >to a blocking foul. Actually, a player control foul is any foul that is committed by a player who is control of the ball. This is in contrast to three other types of fouls: A team control foul is a foul that is committed by a player whose team has the ball but who is not the team member in control of the ball. A loose ball foul is committed when neither team is in control of the ball. There is no term for the usual foul committed when the other team has control of the ball. A charge is the "rulebook" term for a pushing foul. It can be committed as a player control foul, a team control foul, a loose ball foul, or a "defensive" foul. The official should signal a player control foul (of any type, charging, tripping, or otherwise) with one hand behind the head and the other arm extended outward. A defensive charging foul is signaled by the official using a pushing motion. The reason for the distinction between player control, team control, loose ball, and defensive fouls is that when a team is over the foul limit, free throws are awarded for some types of fouls but not others. (I believe you shoot for any foul except player control, but this may differ by organization - HS, NCAA, NBA, etc.)

What is a control player in basketball?

A control player in basketball, is one who does not rely as much on the power behind his shots, as on their placement.

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food control meas what is the order, who is the order, when is the order, and how much the order,

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