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It's when light breaks up the chemical (covalent) bonds in the plastic's molecules, causing the plastic to break up into (hopefully) fluid substances, which either evaporate, sink into the ground and flow away, or are more easy to dispose of.

There are some metallic ions and organic groups which are good at absorbing light, so these can be used to help get light into the target bonds.

However these additives may lead to the products of the plastics' degradation being toxic.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

It's not a chemical, it's plastic that is broken down by photons, such as exposure to sunlight, and ultraviolet light.

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Q: What is photo-degradation of plastic?
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Why does photodegradation occur?

The ability of degradable molecules to absorb lights wavw

What happens when plastic is exposed to sunlight?

Exposure to sunlight can cause plastic to degrade and break down through a process called photodegradation. This can lead to changes in the physical properties of the plastic, such as discoloration, brittleness, and loss of strength. Over time, the plastic can become more prone to cracking and eventually disintegrate.

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The term "half-life" refers to the time it takes for half of a substance to decay or degrade. Plastic is a synthetic material made from polymers that do not undergo traditional decay processes like organic matter. Therefore, plastic does not have a half-life in the same way that radioactive materials or other substances do. Plastic can break down into smaller pieces over time through processes like photodegradation or mechanical wear, but these processes can take hundreds to thousands of years depending on the type of plastic and environmental conditions.

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Tt makes the bag weaker by evaporating the plasticizers the stiffer material physically snaps into smaller pieces)or by breaking bonds in the polymer. Biodegradable bags exploit this by installing weaker bonds in the polymer (usually starch) that are more sensitive to light or biological attack.

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Exposure to air and sunlight causes plastics to degrade and break down due to a process called photodegradation. This process leads to the release of microplastics and harmful chemicals into the environment, contributing to pollution. Over time, the physical and chemical properties of the plastic change, leading to fragmentation and ultimately reducing its structural integrity.

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Yes, light is one of the things that causes food to spoil faster. This is true of both natural light and artificial light. This process is called photodegradation.

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A. C Somersall has written: 'Modelling of photodegradation in solar cell modules of substrate and superstrate design mode with ethylene-vinyl acetate as pottant material'

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The study of changes to materials caused by light is known as photodegradation or photochemistry. This field explores how light can alter the properties and structure of materials over time.

What is the difference between photodegradation and biodegradation?

If something is biodegradable it can be decomposed by bacteria or by living organisms. Something that is photodegradable can be decomposed by light or the sunBiodegradable means being able to be broken down into more basic components by fungi, bacteria or other simple organisms. Most chemicals are biodegradable but it takes different amount of time to break down, for example a piece of bread will break down rather quickly, and a piece of plastic will take decades and beyond.Photodegradable objects are substances that can be broken down into their simpler forms by the action of ultraviolet rays present in the sunlight. Plastic, for example, is photodegradable.Tags:Biodegradabilitybiodegr.

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-All plastic ring carriers are made from a special low-density polyethylene plastic, which is 100 percent photodegradable. -Exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays causes the rings to weaken and become brittle. Wind and rain will break up the brittle carrier into small pieces. -When exposed to summer sunlight, a photodegradable plastic ring carrier will begin to lose its strength in a short period of time and become totally brittle in about three weeks. This process takes longer in cloudy, cold winter weather. - Once a ring carrier has been weakened by ultraviolet rays it poses minimal risk to wildlife. Since the carrier floats, photodegradation occurs on water as well as land. Ring carriers must be Photodegradable by law: *Degradable Plastic Ring Carriers Federal Law 40 CFR Part 238

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