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A paper towel, as it's name implies is made of paper. If one wishes to trace back, it is made of wood. The natural wicking action of wood makes this a natural absorbent material when it is treated properly.

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Q: What is a paper towel made from?
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What is Tuf paper towel made of?

Made from low quality absorbent paper. It's a low quality, low priced paper towel. You get what you pay for.

Why is it paper towel and not towel paper?

The term "paper towel" follows the noun + modifier structure in English, where the noun comes before the modifier. In this case, "paper" is the noun describing the type of towel. "Towel paper" would suggest a towel made of paper, which is not the intended meaning.

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What is a paper towels?

a towel made of paper instead of cloth

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Scott paper towel?

it was made in 1879.

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Where did they get the name paper towels?

Paper towel is absorbent towel made from paper in both British and North American English. In Britain, paper towel for kitchen use is also known as kitchen roll, kitchen paper, kitchen towel, and poly roll.

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Wan was paper towel made?

The Scott Paper Company introduced the first paper towel in 1907. Source: