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if you do not recycle it, then it will go to a land fill and get buried in the ground over many years... when if you recycle it then it will probably get ripped up and teared into small pieces by machines and boiled so all the fibers come loose and is put in a presser and pressed back into new cardboard.

i am not sure about this because this is what happens to paper but i think it's a similar process.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Paper and cardboard are recycled the same way.

First, any large non-paper items, such as plastic bags and aluminum foil, are removed by hand from the waste paper at the recycling plant. The paper is then mixed with hot water and mashed into pulp in a machine that works much like a large kitchen blender. The watery pulp is forced through a screen and filtered to remove any solid objects. Ink and other impurities separate from the paper fibers and float to the surface, where they are skimmed off. The cleansed pulp is then mixed with new wood fibers to be made into paper or card again.

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15y ago

=What happens to cardboard when it is not recycled=

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15y ago

in a dirty old hairy sack

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Q: What happens to paper and cardboard after you put it in the recycling bin?
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paper, cardboard in a bag to be in the recycling bin

What can be put in a recycling bin?

Any kind of paper, glass, plastic, aluminum foil, and cardboard. There are more items that you can put into recycling bins, but there are a few of them.

Where does paper go?

in the recycling bin

Where do you recycle paper?

In a blue recycling bin

How can I find out if my county participates in cardboard recycling?

Call you garbage company and ask for a bin.

How well can plastic shrink wrap tubing be recycled?

Because most plastic shrink wrap tubing is made of cardboard, they can recycled as paper. Simply place the tubing in a bin that is marked for paper recycling.

what is a recycling bin?

When you delete files from your computer, they go to the recycle bin. It's your last chance to keep or delete the files. You can empty your recycle bin, and they are gone forever. When a community decides to offer waste recycling to its residents, they will provide a container for materials they can find consumers for their collections. These containers are called recycle bins. These bins have rules as to what should be placed in them.

Why can't you put wet paper in a recycling bin?

because the recycling process includes grinding and shredding the paper which is difficult if the paper is wet

Can you recycle paper towels?

Yes. but not in any old recycling bin. You have to go to a special recycling place.

Mr. hogges placed the scr of paper in the recycling bin?


What happens to the clothes when they are made?

They are put in the textiles recycling bin.

What goes inside the green recycling bin?

Depending on your area, different items can be put into a recycling bin. Paper, glass, cans (metal and aluminum), cardboard, aluminum foil, empty airsole cans, mail, magazines, and frozen food packages are all basic things that can go into a recycling bin.