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WE WILL ALL DIE (except for people who live in the most remote areas of the Himalayas and the Kalahari) and the cosmic unicorns will TAKE OVER WHAT IS LEFT OF THE WORLD and all the garbage will SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST and the earth will BURNNNNNN and then be rejuvinated by the cosmic unicorns in the shape of the Great and Eternally Divine Rainbow and WE WILL ALL DIE.

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Q: What happen if people keep on dumping garbage in the oceans?
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Related questions

How does earth have polluted water?

Because people are dumping garbage into water

Since what year did people start dumping trash in all of the oceans?

since 1990s

How does garbage happen?

People make it.

What should people do to dispose of garbage?

Dumping or burning is not the right way, to recycle or tranform it into energy is better way.

What can be the biggest difficulty in stopping overfishing and waste dumping in the oceans?

The people might not listen to it and it is very costly.

What are the factors that lead to garbage dumping in big cities?

1. People letting go of unwanted things. ...that's pretty much it.

Why is ocean dumping bad?

Ocean dumping is bad due to the fact that it pollutes the ocean and then it will cause people not to go to the beach etc.Some ways to stop it:plan a group who will clean the beach with yourecyclethrow your own garbage awayHope this helps!

How can littering happen?

when people throw their garbage anywhere they feel like

How is household garbage collected in the US?

Cities have a collection service, usually city employees. For people outside of city limits, but in developed areas, there are private waste collection companies that collect garbage for a fee. People in remote areas bury their garbage or dispose of it in any convenient way- sometimes by dumping it in a nearby chasm or ravine , or by hauling it to dumpsters maintained by the county.

How do rivers and oceans become polluted?

They become polluted by people throwing away trash into the water. And by landfills on the ocean and oil spills. Then all this garbage travels all over the oceans killing marine life.

How do you lessen rainwater pollution?

Rainwater pollution is caused by lake and river pollution (the polluted water evaporates and then becomes rain). If people stopped dumping garbage in lakes, then there would be less rainwater pollution.

How do people misuse rivers?

by dumping in it :)