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A bicycle has two wheels, a seat, brakes, pedals, handlebars and a drive train. The wheels are attached to a frame. The drive train transmits power from the rider to the wheels in a variety of methods.
A bicycle is a object with two wheels,seat,handles,brakes and ect........You can use this object to ride around .

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Is un- in unclear the same as the un- in unicycle?

No, although they look the same. "Un" is a prefix that means "not": uninterested, untested, unclear. But the word "unicycle" does not have the prefix "un." In fact, it has a different first syllable-- "uni"-- which means One. A unicycle is a bicycle that has only one wheel. The word is pronounced like YOO-nee-cycle.

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It looks like a Diffney puzzle and would probably mean: One wheel on the unicycle.

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What does 1-W on a U mean?

1 wheel on a unicycle

How do you say unicycle in Japanese?

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How do you spell unicycle?

That is the correct spelling of "unicycle" (one-wheeled vehicle).

How do you use unicycle in a sentence?

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What is synonym for unicycle?

A onewheeler or monocycle. Those both are synonyms for unicycle.

How many calories will burn you exercise 2 hours on unicycle?

depends what unicycle

What is F-wheel?

It is an electric unicycle manufacturer, a best seller of electric unicycle.