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To recycle something is to not throw away something that can be used again. Recyclable items are things that can be used over and over again. If you don't understand this look in a dictionary.

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15y ago
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13y ago

"Reduce, re-use and recycle" was a slogan developed for the environmental movement to simplify three important personal behaviors to help reduce the damage people do to the environment.

"Reduce" means use less and to not, say, get a huge gas-guzzling truck if a smaller car can carry all you need and don't waste resources like water by using too much.

"Re-use" means to use durable instead of disposable goods, such as shopping bags made of fabric instead of plastic so that you can re-use them. By re-using something, the damage caused by making one is spread out over multiple uses versus using something, throwing it away and buying something else which means one of those things has to be made each time you use it which uses electricity and produces pollution for each one.

"Re-cycle" means to recycle the material from things you can no longer use, instead of throwing them in the garbage to be used in a landfill. Glass, metal and paper are readily recyclable, and recycling them means less has to be mined out of the earth (or in the case of paper, less trees have to be chopped down to make more paper to replace what is thrown away instead of recycled).

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15y ago

to reuse paper, cardboard, cans, plastic contianers, milk cartons, glass bottles and jars

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15y ago

Well, recycle can mean a lot of things. To me it means to keep the world GREEN. In other words, keep the air clean. Let's just say this, Reduce, Reuse,Recycle. Keep the your world GREEN

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12y ago

to make things out of already used products

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14y ago

it means you can you something that you can use in a diffrent material's for making something new

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13y ago

Recycling is the process of taking one product that is no longer useful and using all or at least a portion of it to make another product.

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