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Whatever breaks down to carbon and nitrogen, can be trimmed into small pieces, decomposes within a year, and is non-metallic and unprocessed is what can be composted from what is used at home. That includes fabrics, furnishings, and papers which contain no dyes as well as some plastics.

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Q: What can be composted from what is used at home?
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Compost, leaf mould, manure, composted manure etc

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Many people used composted horse manure to grow gardens.

Can you recycle a plant?

Yes, most plants can be composted and used to fertilise the soil.

Can laburnum flowers be composted?

sure, anything that comes from a plant can be composted

What can be composted?

Pretty much everything organic can be composted, but special care should be taken with scraps of meat and suchlike.

Is a mixture of dead organic material that can be used as fertilizer.?

Compost, leaf mould, manure, composted manure etc

Can plastic be composted?

Most plastics cannot be composted. There are newly developed plastics that do breakdown over time, but these are not common and would still not be suitable for compost.

Can raw meat be composted and if lime is added will it make a huge difference?

Yes, meat can be composted and it will make your pile quite hot. You don't need to add lime. I don't know what affect lime would have on your compost, as I've never used it. Though I have put meat in there.