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Bacteria and dirty toilet paper

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Q: What are the two products of sewage treatment?
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Where do the two products of sewage treatment go?

the dirty toilet paper and bacteria go to the sewage.

What are two products of sewage treatment?

Bacteria and dirty toilet paper

What are the two products of the sewage treatment plan and where do they go?

bacteria and dirty toilet paper the bacteria gets filtered and cleaned to make sure there is no harmful bacteria in the water and the toilet paper dissolves on its way to the sewage water treatment facility

How do the microorganisms help in sewage treatment?

Sewage treatment plants use microorganisms to destroy the biological material in sewage.

How do the microorganisms help in sewage treatment plants?

Sewage treatment plants use microorganisms to destroy the biological material in sewage.

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This mineral is used to add flavor to foods and as a sewage treatment?

Common salt, or sodium chloride, is used in various food products to enhance flavor. It is also used in sewage treatment to help remove impurities from wastewater through a process called ion exchange.

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How can you control sewage generation?

1.use flush in low capacity. 2.Never pour household products such as cleansers,beauty products , medicine, dye, automobile oil, pain etc down the drain. These contain chemicals that sewage treatment plants may not be able to remove. 3.Fix leakages in your sewage pipes because these can contaminate your drinking water.

What are the downsides of living near a sewage treatment plant?

Sewage treatment is an essential process in a more advanced society. Untreated sewage can reenter the water system and spread disease. Land around a sewage treatment plant would be cheap, as it is a less desirable area to live, because of the bad smell.

What are the types of sewage treatment plant?

There are basically two types of sewage treatment plants 1. Chemically treated - where chemicals are added to break down the effluents and disinfect it 2. Biologically treated - the effluent is broken down with the help of aerobic bacteria