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not really sure about this s don't take my word for it but.....

to recycle copper there are many processes it needs to go through (i wont go into detail), these processes require a lot of heat energy, many possibly harmful chemicals and once the copper is clean, it needs to be shipped across countries (which is bad for he environment)

hope that has helped


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14y ago
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13y ago

In mobile phones there is so little copper (about 16 grams) which is only worth about 4p, that it would only be worth the hassle if millions of phones were recycled at once! With the high prices for energy (heat and pressure), the extraction of the copper from these phones and the purification (through electrolysis) would be very expensive so again would need to be carried out in bulk for it to be worth the time and money. ---- this was the original answer before some nasty person deleted it :)

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13y ago

The problems with recycling copper is that due to the new raised prices in copper people are staring to take copper from peoples houses. These people are called Copper Thief's.

Another reason why you shouldn't recycle copper is that it's very expensive.

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12y ago

well if you yourself recycle something at home, you need to pay for the materials you need to use in order to create something else. Same with factories/establisments that recycle, they use up too much energy which may cause air pollution.

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14y ago

Cleanliness is the main disadvantage of recycling aluminum cans. It's important to rinse the can inside and out. Otherwise, the can's sweet contents may attract ants and wasps. Additionally, recycling requires storage space. The recycler needs to accumulate sufficient amounts of cans for driving to and from recycling facilities to be cost effective.

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11y ago

Sometimes, the recycling costs maybe rather high. While if the recycling techniques are not mature enough, it will cause secondary pollution.

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11y ago

Metals like Mercury, cadmium, lead leaches into the soil and ground water making them polluted soo

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13y ago

Copper is regularly recycled.

Also -> the recycling websites must be reliable i.e if they say give your phone and we'll give you £300 pound for it, they must mean it.

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You can conserve energy with aluminium cans by recycling them.

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At a dump or a recycling center.

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What is the meaning of recycling aluminum cans?

process of usedmaterials into new product

How much money do you get for recycling aluminum cans in Florida?

absolutely nothing :/

What is in aluminum recycling?

Aluminium recycling would be the process of recylcing things such as your aluminum cans. Pop cans would be a major item that someone could recycle. There are many people that drink many pops a day.

What do aliminnum cans recycle into?

Aluminum cans can be recycled into new aluminum cans or other aluminum products, such as aluminum foil, car parts, or building materials. Recycling aluminum saves energy and reduces the need for mining new aluminum ore.

How much recycling occurs with cans?

Of the 102 billion aluminum cans produced in 1998, 63 percent (or 64 billion) were recycled, according to The Aluminum Association.

What are the physical changes that take place during the recycling of aluminium cans?

During the recycling of aluminum cans, the cans are collected, shredded, melted, and purified. The molten aluminum is then cooled and solidified into ingots or sheets that can be used to manufacture new aluminum products. This process saves energy and reduces the need for mining new aluminum ore.

Is recycling aliminum cans one exple of waste reuse?

Recycling is one way to reduce waste and reusing products is another. Therefore, recycling Aluminum cans is an example of waste reuse since it saves 95% of the energy.