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Well... it depends what kind of waste you are going to dispose. Lets say the waste is a biohazard you must dispose of in the correct way otherwise you might get injured. Not physically like broken bones or cuts. No. Some problems recycling radioactive waste the incorrect way would be rashes and exposure to radioactive chemicals entering your body. Lets say you are going to dispose of expired food in a trash can. That type of waste is not dangerous. However if on your food (lets say bread) mold appears, keep the bag closed and dispose of fast. Otherwise mold will spread penetrating through the bag and on to the surface the bread was on.

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Q: What are the dangers of not disposing of waste in the correct way?
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The best ways of disposing waste in an environmentally friendly way is to either let organic materials decompose naturally or to either recycle metals back into their original shape or to mix them into alloys. For example, if you scrunched up a coke can and threw it into a bin, the company could recycle it back into a new one, saving them money and us global warming.

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Liquid waste can be disposed of by pouring it down the drain in small amounts, following any local regulations. Alternatively, it can be taken to a designated disposal site or facility that handles liquid waste. It's important to avoid disposing of liquid waste in a way that could harm the environment or human health.

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You are a blonde teenager and I wouldn't waste your time. I am sure there is a way you can get an A without the correct answer.