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Q: What are the 3 ways in which plastics are disposed and what are the problems that plastic can cause to the environment?
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What are the disadwantages of plastics?

what plastics? plastic surgery? plastic paper? plastic's influence to hte environment?

What problems can be caused to the environment by using plastics?

plastics take an eternity to decay, which means it never goes away. also, chemicals from the plastic might contaminate the water source .

What is worse for the environment plastic or aluminum foil?

Plastic!!!!!!!!!! Aluminum recycles, but most plastics do not.

How can plastics be disposed?

Plastics can be disposed of through recycling, incineration, or landfilling. Recycling is the most environmentally friendly option as it reduces the need for virgin plastic production. Incineration can be used to generate energy, while landfilling is the least preferred option as it contributes to environmental pollution.

Information on plastic which are not harm the environment that are biodegradable?

This question is not worth answering.The "enviorment" does not exist, "which are not harm" is incorrect grammar.If the question had read "which will not harm the environment" it could be worth answering.Wikipedia says:Biodegradable plastics are plastics that will decompose in the natural environment. Biodegradation of plastics can be achieved by enabling microorganisms in the environment to metabolize the molecular structure of plastic films to produce an inert humus-like material that is less harmful to the environment.

Types of plastics which are harmful to the environment?

jom jim kim is the three types of plastic

How can you protect environment from plastic?

we can protect our environment by telling our socity about harmful uses of plastics ,by not throwing plastic any where alone ,by using cotton bag instid of using plastic bag etc .

How Toxic is plastic in the environment?

The big problem with plastics in the environment is not primarily their toxicity but their stability. Many plastics do not degrade readily and so they will be almost unchanged for hundreds of years. This is a problem because animals might eat them and as the plastics cannot be digested they block the stomach or intestines and kill the animal that ate the piece of plastic.

How does poly bags if disposed pf carelessly cause problems to animals and drainage system?

If poly bags are recycled correctly they are 100% recyclable. If they are not disposed of properly animals can eat the plastic or become entangled in the plastic.

What is the plural of the word plastic?

The plural form of "plastic" is "plastics."

What attracts plastic?

Plastic is attracted to sources of oil and grease, which can increase its persistence in the environment. Additionally, certain types of plastics, such as PVC, can be attracted to certain types of chemicals in the environment.

What types of plastic are compostable?

The types of plastics that are compostable are typically ones that can be broken down in compost conditions that leave no carbon footprint on the environment. Many of these plastics are made out of corn starch. Also, plastics cannot be recyclable if they are compostable.