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Q: What are Reusable or not reusable enzyme?
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Is salivary amylase reusable?

Yes, salivary amylase is an enzyme that can be reused multiple times in breaking down starch molecules into simpler sugars such as maltose. It is not consumed in the chemical reaction and remains active as long as it is not denatured by extreme conditions.

Are enzyme re-usable?

yes, enzymes are reusable.

Are enzyme catalase reusable?

yes, enzymes are reusable.

Is timber reusable?

Yes timber is reusable, because it is wood and wood is reusable.

Is oil reusable?

is oil reusable?

Is lead reusable?

yes lead is reusable

What is a reusable spacecraft called?

A reusable spacecraft is typically called a space shuttle or a reusable launch vehicle. These spacecraft are designed to be launched into space multiple times, reducing the cost of space missions.

Is paper reusable?

Paper can be reused to some extent, such as using both sides of a sheet or recycling it to create new paper products. However, paper deteriorates with each use due to wear and tear, so it may not be suitable for multiple reuses in its original form.

What is the prefix of reusable?

The prefix of "reusable" is "re-".

What is the plural for reusable?

The word 'reusable' is an adjective, a word that describes a singular or a plural noun. Adjectives don't have singular or plural forms, they have comparisons: reusable, more reusable, most reusable.Take the reusable bag to do your shopping.The coffee shop doesn't have reusable cups and plates.

A sentence with reusable?

Many plastic bottles are reusable.

What part of speech is the word reusable?

Reusable is an adjective.