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since 1990s

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Q: Since what year did people start dumping trash in all of the oceans?
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No, they start in tropical oceans.

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People began conducting proper experiments around the 17th century with the advent of the scientific method. This marked a shift towards systematic and controlled investigations to test hypotheses and theories. Scientists like Galileo and Newton were pioneers in using experiments to better understand the natural world.

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Some people believe there soon may be no whales left write about what man can do to save the whales from all dying out?

Stop hunting them, stop polluting the water, prevent global warming by avoiding fossil fuels, stop polluting air, and turn off your plug to your room when your not using it. Taking advantage of every chance each person has to save energy or prevent pollution, and dumping in the oceans is a start in the right direction.

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Sharks are fish. Since life got started in the oceans, fish had a long head start over land animals.