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legislative actions and government spending. Decreased federal outlays and financially strapped state and local governments slowed growth

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Q: On what factors do water and sewer construction depend?
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What are some of the services that Michels Corporation offers?

Michels Corporation is an engineering and construction company. They offer services such as sewer, tunnel and water construction as well as pipeline construction.

How did water and sewer construction benefit from federal legislation?

The Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 required system upgrades, and the Water Resources Act of 1991 increased federal funding for water supply construction.

What factors does alcohol depend on?

Sugar, water and yeast.

What is colour coding for water supply line in construction industry?

Blue, gas is red, electricity is yellow, cable is orange, sewer is green.

What are some factors that affect the rate of erosion?

water, logging, and construction

Difference between the civil engineering project and the building construction project?

Building is a structure and civil in water, sewer, storm drains as well as roads and bridges.

How do organisms depend on abiotics?

Organisms depend on abiotic factors such as sunlight, water, temperature, and soil for survival. These factors provide essential resources and conditions for growth, reproduction, and metabolism. Changes in abiotic factors can significantly impact the health and survival of organisms in an ecosystem.

Water in the trap?

To stop sewer gasses from being expelled from the sewer

When a toilet is flushed does any water from it go to a sewer or does it go to a water stream?

Goes straight to sewer

What does evaporation of surface water depend on?

The most important factors are temperature and pressure.

What two kinds of factors does an organism depend on for survival?

An organism depends on biotic factors, such as food and interactions with other organisms, as well as abiotic factors, such as temperature and water availability, for its survival. Both types of factors play critical roles in the organism's ability to thrive and reproduce in its environment.

Can a sewer lateral cross over a water main?

Yes, but there are requirements for vertical distance between the sewer and water main (generally at least 18 inches) and materials of construction. One reference is the so-called 10 State Standards (Section 38.3). If you do not have access to this publication (e.g., you are a homeowner), check with your local building department.