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No, there is not. There are many myths about haunted places and mythical creatures that are fake and are just said to scare you, with this being one of them.

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Q: Is there really a sewer ghost?
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Is ghost really present in the world?

Is ghost really present in the world?

Do life really have ghosts?

no,they use ghost to scare children,theres really no ghost

Is there ghost really?


Who was the Luna ghost?

The Luna ghost was a glowing ghost who was really old man Smithers

Can ghost's be visible?

just depends on the type of ghost really :)

Why people hate ghost?

I think that people hate ghost just because they're not used to them. i really think thst if ghost really exsists, then they can't really do any harm.

Who invented ghost?

Well nobody really invented ghost. A ghost is a spirit of someone who has died.

Is their really any such thing as a ghost?

Well if you are talking about like cartoon ghost yes. But there are really such thing as a ghost. My dad has seen then in his old house in VT

Is there really ghost exist?


Is ghost really true?

i believe ghost are real and there is a paranormal world.